Friday, April 16, 2010


Pam, at Digging, hosts Foliage Followup the 16th of the month, the day after Carol's GBBD.  I took way too many foliage photos, and exported as a group, all the ones I didn't delete.  Now, I'm thinking my plan is to just pick every other one or so, and put them in the post, and see how it turns out.  This time of year all the foliage looks good to me, from the fuzzy lamb's ears, the frilly columbines, the colorful coral bells, to the spiky iris.  (My GBBD/Fertilizer Friday post is the one previous to this one.)

Here goes:

I like the looks of hellebore leaves.  I've noticed the different varieties have varying shapes and sizes of leaves.   Oh, there's some not so pretty tulip foliage to the right, too.

I have several more coral bells that didn't make this post.  I've had these identified before, but don't remember their names.  Oh, and I see the spotted foliage of pulmonaria in this photo.

I like the crinkle and color of lady's mantle leaves.

The knautia foliage is prettier in the spring than later in the season, when it can get a bit floppy.

The sedums have cool shaped foliage.

I have been loving this beauty the last couple weeks, but can't remember what it is.  It's about to bloom, too.  Do you know what it is?  Is it a euphorbia of some kind?

A variety of clematises are coming up nicely, and are visibly taller each day.

This big blue flowered clematis will be blooming soon.

Every year, when the peonies first peak through the soil, I say I'm going to get peony cages on them, but a few days later, they look like this, and are too big to cage.  They aren't as thick this year, so if I get to them tomorrow, it may not be too late.

The foliage of chives is always a welcome sight to me in spring.

Have a wonderful spring weekend!  I hope those in the north are experiencing a warm up.


  1. those peonies really pop up fast, huh?

    Love your spring garden. You should be allowed to paint the fire hydrant to match! ;)

  2. Isn't it exciting to see all the different types of foliage growing? I love the sedum foliage especially :-)

  3. I love the coral bells' foliage. I have some dark-colored like yours, and because I use dark mulch the leaves don't show up very well. I think I'm going to try mulching them separately with a lighter bark.

    Sedum is a favorite of mine, too ... like little rosettes.

  4. Sue girl I had to laugh over the peony cage issues .. I actually use them for large ferns as well, like my Lady in Red fern .. keeps them neater .. I have to get some because soon my peony will be too larger as well ! haha
    Heuchera are lovely : )

  5. All that foliage! Wonderful.

    I have to mention what your Feedjit said to me. "Who are you Enterprise? Show your visit with your blog or social profile." Then it said, "Enterprise, Alabama arrived from on "A Corner Garden"...

    Enterprise is 50 miles away. The other day it had me over in Pavo, GA, 60 miles away. This is a fun widget. I stay home and travel all over the Southeast via Feedjit.

  6. I'm with you, foliage all looks great this time of the year. You spotlighted some nice foliage in your garden! Wish I knew what that type of euphorbia is. It looks familiar and I think I have it here so I was surely wishing you knew what it was! Have a great weekend Sue!

  7. I cannot believe you already have a peony bud! And with the helping ants to boot!

    I so miss my Nebraska garden.

    Your garden is flourishing...thanks to your TLC. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. You DO have a great selection of foliage to celebrate this month. I'm a sucker for heuchera leaves. They're candy colored!

  9. it's all about adding texture and depth and colorizing isn't it ?? sandy

  10. You have some wonderful foliage Sue. And to think that just a few weeks ago, it was all under snow!


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