Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blooms for Tuesday

Jean, from MsGreen"thumb"jean, hosts Bloomin' Tuesday.  Since I have some flowers that are newly blooming, and others that are filling out with more blooms, I want to participate.  At some point I may not be able to keep up with this and Fertilizer Friday, but maybe I will be able to, and have fewer pics in each post.  We'll see.  I have both of their buttons in the sidebar, and anyone can go to their blogs to see who all is participating or add their own bloom posts.

What prompted my desire to post at first, was the discovery of my first iris blooms.  These are opening before the retulacas I have in the bed by Heidi.  I have other irises in bud, so soon, there should be lots of color around here.

When I posted the pigsqueak before, it was in bud, not bloom.  I hope my other 2 plants bloom, too.  This is the second or third season for the plants, and the first time I've had one bloom stalk.

The hyacinths and several daffodils are finished blooming.  These dainties bloomed early last year, and were nipped by a frost.  They came out of it, but must have decided to wait awhile to bloom this year.

This is the first photo posted of the basket of gold blooms. 

I have several kinds of pansies, and am enjoying seeing the 2 mixes open up to see what colors I am getting.

The money plant is in full bloom now.  The reblooming iris to the right has a nice sized bud.

These tulips are pink after all, but I don't think they had that white on them last year.  They're pretty, so I'm not complaining.

Only a few candytuft blooms were peeking open last Friday.

The creeping phlox was just starting to bloom Friday, too.

I posted this whole euphorbia, (I think) of some kind to show its foliage last week.  The blooms are opening, and I sure like the contrast between them and the foliage.

It was sunny when I took the photos of these tulips last week.  They looked prettier to me today in  person than last week.  The petals were not as open as they were.

I am still enjoying the hellebores.  I think this is one of the orientalises.

I don't remember who told me to check under my ginger plants for blooms, but I just remembered, so I went out and found some cute little blooms in hiding.  Thanks, whoever it was!

The sticks below are in front of my compost pile.  The neighbor's lilac bush is on the other side of the fence.  It sure is full of blooms!

I hope you are enjoying spring!  I sure am!


  1. I don't think I've seen Pigsqueak before, it's very pretty!

  2. your flowers are great Sue...

  3. Lovely flowers

    Enjoy spring!!!!

  4. Love the purple money plant, mine is white. Everything is looking great Sue..how's the new kitchen working for ya?

  5. What a pretty daffodil. Your money plant is beautiful. You have a lot going in your gardens. So pretty. I want to see your stick fence.


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