Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rain Drops and Hellebores

I haven't had much time for blogging this weekend.  Today, I found some moments between laundry loads to go down the list of blogs I follow.  After supper, I visited Cathy, at Outside In, who had a post called, "Rain Drops".  Since it has been raining much of today, I told her I was going to brave the cool temps and take some pics, too.  I ended up taking over 300 pictures!

I have a couple irises that just opened yesterday.

I am still loving these double pink tulips.

I've never grown this kind of lily.   I have two clumps now, and they are looking to be getting ready to bloom.

And now, for the hellebore part.  Larry and I went to an annual plant sale called, "Spring Affair" yesterday.  A nursery a few hours away from here puts it on.  That was the reason I went to B&B the day before, to see what else I needed.  I knew hellebores were on the list of plants at the sale.  I took my camera, but didn't take any pictures. The experience was not pleasant.  We got there 20 minutes before the sale started to get in line.  Larry was ready to go to the truck after finding his snail vines, and looking for the items on our son's list.  I had a box filled with my hellebores and a few other plants, so I stood in line with him to get a ticket showing how much to pay, and then get in another line to pay.  Then, I finished my shopping, being bumped into by the hoards of people, and having trouble getting to some of the plants.

Here is the area next to our front porch.  I got all but 2 of the hellebores planted with the other 2 I already purchased for almost 4 times the $5.00 each I paid for these, which are Helleborus X Hybridus (Orientalis), mixed colors.

These are 3 of the new ones.  

This is one of my expensive ones.  I think its name is Mardi Gras.

Going down the line, I'm showing the plant, then a close up of a flower or flowers.

This one is the Party Dress Improved:

This is the flower stem that broke off the previous plant:

I don't know if I'll go back to the plant sale.  When I went to pay for my second load, the lines were long.  When I was next to pay, a volunteer told people there were 3 cashiers, so they could move up and form 3 lines.  People were going around me, because I just stood there.  I had announced that I was next, but no one paid attention.  When the next cashier was ready, I thrust my ticket over some people's box of plants, telling her I was next.  I was glad she realized I was, and didn't serve the cutters first.  People had already been cutting in the other line, too.  I don't like the person that brings out in me.  If I do go next year, it will be a quick get what I need and not try to see all the plants, or else I'll pay the $35 to go to the preview dinner and shopping the evening before.

Now, I need to get back to my blog reading, as soon as I can eke out more time for it!


  1. Sue: You have so many great flowers blooming. I do like that reddish brown bloom, so unusual.

  2. Great Photos of the rain drops,
    I like the hellebores, but they cost $25.00 a plant over here. I just can't get myself to pay that amount.
    At least you got them for a great

  3. Your iris are really pretty. Good job at the plant sale. You are getting quite the hellebore collection, how great!! :)

  4. Pretty blooms, Sue. Photos after rain---lovely!

  5. Hi Sue~~ I DESPISE waiting in line. I'll do it when I have to but I sure don't like it. And people cutting in front of me....grrrr...! I can't blame you rethinking next year's trip.

    Lovely hellebores.

  6. Such pretty things you bought! Sorry that it wasn't a pleasant experience. Kinda takes the fun out of it.

  7. They're wonderful, Sue, with these rain drops on their petals. They look so delicate.

    Hope you'll show us the lily in bloom. It's its National "celebration" on the 1st of may, here. At every corner of the streets it is sold.

  8. Susan you are going to have such gorgeous hellebores when they grow up a bit ! I wish I could find more types in the garden centers here .. I have "Orientalis" and will have "Royal Heritage"? I htink it is called coming from a mail order company .. I only have a grand total of two but I want to find more to make the raised bed at least half hellebore plantings ..
    I'm sorry you had such a rough time in the line up .. people can be so darn RUDE !! .. but you have some gorgeous plants girl !!

  9. I wouldn't go anywhere that's like an After Christmas sale either. I can't stand crowds and pushy people.

    Your garden looks wonderful.

  10. What a wonderful hellebore collection. Your photos are great with the raindrops. I'm sorry you had an unpleasant experience at the sale. Crowds and rudeness are horrible. I'd rather stay home. :-)


  11. love the photos with rain drops, don't you wish all people would follow the rules and think of others!

  12. Your irises are beautiful! Mine won't be blooming for several weeks yet.

    I know what you mean about blogging time; in fact, I just wrote about that. We had beautiful weather this weekend instead of the promised rain, so I spent all the time I could outside, as most garden bloggers would on a sunny day.

    I am envious of your plant shopping! I haven't done any yet this spring, but hope to get started this week. I'd say you got some great bargains on those hellebores, but I'm like you, I really don't like shopping in crowded, chaotic conditions like the plant sale you attended.

  13. Hi Sue...Rain sounds lovely after a long week of very hot temps! You may already know this! Don't cut the flowers off, let them go to seed they might make babies and you will get a lot of free plants! I paid $12 for a double yellow hellebore named Yellow lotus! The garden is looking beautiful and full! The last wildflower sale I attended sounds just like your experience...Not gonna do it again! gail

  14. 300 photos - and in the rain!! But I can understand why, especially seeing your hellebores. They are so lovely. I have a thumping monster of a hellebore which looks rather a thug beside your delicate specimens.

    Sad that even plant people can behave so boorishly.

  15. Hellebores, irises and tulips -- I don't 'do' those here, except for some swamp iris. Yours look swell.

    The lily looks looks as if it is ready to put on little visible buds soon. I am soooo impatient to see lilies bloom.

  16. Sue, your flowers are always beautiful, but my all time favorities are the ones with the rain drops.
    I do not like waiting in line either and then when people jump line that really does upset me, not to mention my husband.
    Prayers, Bo

  17. loved all the pictures sue but my favorites were those that you captured with raindrops. Beautiful!!! reminds me of the song " raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens....."


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