Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October Wildflower Wednesday

I am not sure how October got here so quickly. I am not ready for winter, but most of the flowers in the yard are finished blooming.  There are some plants with lovely colored foliage to share for Gail's Wildflower Wednesday, though!

The golden colored plants are Amsonia hubrichtii.  I just found out from the Lady Bird Johnson site that this is only native to Arkansas and Oklahoma.  It sure does well here in SE Nebraska, though!

One flower that still has a few blooms is pitcher sage.  This one is a native.  I believe it is this one.  I like having clumps of it in different parts of the yard, and seeing the insects feed on them.

The different kinds of amsonias bloom very early, and I am always sad the time in bloom is short, but this kind makes up for it with beautiful fall foliage.  The short-toothed mountain mint on the right is continuing to look good and attract pollinators.

Amsonia hubrichtii is another plant I have in different parts of the yard.

We had been looking south and west.  Now, we are facing north and west. Some of the clumps are not golden yet.

This is the big bed on the east side of the front yard.  Only one of the two round-headed bush clover plants survived last winter, and after being slow to grow, it did quite well this season.

We have enjoyed a very mild fall so far, but colder weather is on its way.  I hope all is well with you and your gardens, and you are finding native plants to enjoy.