Thursday, January 2, 2014

Brr! Snow and Cold!

It has been too cold for me to be out taking photos, but it snowed yesterday, so toward the end of the day, I decided to take some from the front door, wondering how my new camera would do in low light.

I must have taken this through the window.

I didn't hear how much snow we got, but it came down a bit today.  The highs have been in the single digits, but tomorrow, we could get into the 30s.  By Monday, we are to be back down into the single digits, maybe the coldest day of winter so far.

I experimented with using the zoom, and the flash.  I don't think the flash on my other camera worked outside.

I love the different heights and shapes of the plants.  I've mentioned keeping them over the winter to provide shelter to insects, and seeds for the birds.  Plus, while I get excited seeing bare dirt, the plants look much better to me.

Here are the lovely Illinois bundleflower seed heads looking nice in their snow hats.  The railing looks to have less than an inch of snow.

It sounds like the snow and cold is pretty widespread.  Wherever you are, I hope you are able to be safe and warm.  I'm noticing the days getting longer.  Spring, I hope you come early!