Monday, July 25, 2011

"Ooh La La" Time is Here

Recently, Grace said that when my Joe Pye Weed and its neighbors started blooming, it would be, "Ooh laa laa", and I am pleased that they are in the process of opening up their blooms.

There are several kiss me over the garden gate plants in the area.

I trimmed back the outside stems of the Joe Pye Weed in the spring so that they could help support the middle of the plant, and so that they would bloom later, extending the bloom time.

There won't be much of a difference after all.  Here is what the top blooms look like.

The lower ones do have tighter buds, so they are a bit behind the top ones.

Looking to the east, there are more flowers blooming.

I did some checking and it looks like I was correct, that last year's love lies bleeding cross pollinated with a celosia.  They are both amaranths.  Pure love lies bleeding has individual "ropes" that come down from the base of the bloom, not up and down the main one.

This hibiscus plant is taller than it has ever been, and is loaded with buds and blooms.

We're at the east side of the north part of the bed.  Volunteer cleomes and verbena bonerensis have joined the coneflowers, rattlesnake masters, and other blooms.

This one is a different color than the above one.

The delphinium is sending some new blooms up after the first were deadheaded.

The hellenium, 'Ruby Tuesday'  has gotten fuller and taller this year, too. 

It has a couple flowers open.  They don't exactly go with the colors of the other blooms, but I don't think they clash.

Back to the west side of the bed, there are more blooms growing near the Joe Pye Weed.

I think these daylilies are 'Gentle Shepherd'.

The phlox is 'Orange Perfection', looking nice with the volunteer blue salvia, even though it is not really orange.

I don't remember if I planted this mountain mint, but it looks different from the other kinds I have.  It barely has enough room under the Joe Pye Weed.

We're back where we started, the view from our front porch.

I am joining Jean's Bloomin' Tuesday today.  Click on the photo to check out her blog and see what she and others have blooming.


  1. I have subscribed to your rss feed which should do the trick. These all are great to know about it. These all things are great to know about it.

  2. It's just been awhile when you are still layouting your garden, and now look at them. It really is ooh la la! They look so healthy and beautiful indeed.

  3. I love the entire Joy Pye garden! Such great combinations. I don't think the 'Ruby Tuesday' clases at all.

  4. Love the Joe Pye Weed. I don't have any of those, but will be on the look out at the garden center. Your garden is gorgeous!!!

  5. I love your gardens girl friend. Looks like you have had the perfect amount of rain and sun too. The phlox and the lilies look so nice with the Joe Pye Weed.

  6. Sue, I have been following your blog for quite a while now and it's always a joy to see how your garden is growing in it's beauty.
    Since I'm originally from Kansas but living down in Texas for more than 20 years now, it is very interesting to me seeing gardens and what is blooming during the different seasons in the Midwest.
    Now, how to you get your hibiscus, which btw. looks just gorgeous, over the winter?
    Even only a few hours of freezing down here has caused me losing hibiscuses until I started putting them in my garage as soon as the forecast was calling for temperatures around the lower 30's only.

  7. Your gardens are absolutely beautiful!!! Mother Nature has either been kinder to you this year or you are more diligent in your watering and dead-heading than I have been.

  8. The whole Joe Pye Weed garden area looks great. Love the colors! I may need to find a space for some. Jean

  9. Hey Sue! I have lots of blooms this summer too, but the grass is doing its darndest to take over!

    Your flowers are always so beautiful!

  10. I wish I had room somewhere for a nice, tall Joe Pye weed. So pretty! You sure had a lot of pink in this post, love it!

  11. Looking great, you have so many of my faves there. I love Verbena bonariensis, Joe Pye Weed, Cleome and Delphiniums.

  12. Hi Sue ~ I love it all. You know, I think it must be Joe Pye Weed that I see in a garden down the road from us. I'm always commenting on it because it's not your typical flower. This may show my ignorance....but is it really a weed? Do you sow your seeds from packets? Do you save seed each year? I really enjoy seeing your garden every week; I didn't participate in Bloomin' Tuesday this week...maybe next time. I enjoyed my visit here!

  13. Oh la la for sure! Your garden is so joyful Sue. It's so nice that its location provides so much benefit for your neighbors too!

  14. I've got to get some Joe Pye Weed!!!

  15. All I know is that if I lived where I had to drive past your beautiful yard, there would be an accident, sooner or later! So beautiful!

  16. Your summer garden just doesn't stop! Everything I have looks so hot and raggedy...

  17. Hi Sue. I have Joe Pye Weed on my wish list for a place at the back of the border. We are much much colder over here but I think it will do okay. The cleome photos absolutely beautiful. I can't wait for ours to flower. The other thing I noted in your photos was the fire hydrant in the middle of the lawn! Is that usual? Janet

  18. Sue, I seem to have missed some of your posts. I sometimes just check on my 'blogroll' for updates but I can't always tell by that. Sometimes the new posts don't show up there.

    Wonderful photos in this post.


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