Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lots of Foliage, Too

Knowing we were expecting rain for a few days, I went ahead and took photos for Foliage Follow-up, hosted by Pam, of Digging on the 14th, while I was taking the GBBD ones.  As it turns out, the sun is shining today.  I went out thinking about retaking photos, but decided they wouldn't be better than the cloudy day ones.

While blooms are my favorites, foliage is pretty awesome too.  I love all the different shapes, colors, textures, sizes, etc.

A passalong celandine poppy:

Euphorbia, 'Bonfire':


Globe Thistle:

Native Onion, I think:


The new plants I got on my way home from work,  Rudbeckia, 'Goldquelle': ('They started growing a couple days after being transplanted.)

I have been deadheading the Virginia Waterleaf plant, and successfully keeping it from spreading.  I have been calling it Virginia Water Spot, however, and found photos from my blog when I did a search.  LOL  I wonder how I can change that.  Maybe I'll have to edit those posts.  It's a passalong, and I enjoy having it.

I like the texture of  comfrey leaves.

The Brunnera, 'Jack Frost' has grown since being moved, too.


 Surprise lilies:

The rose that overwinters in a pot in the egress window well:

Sea holly:


The next 3 are perennial geraniums:

 I like the mounds most of the sedums are forming.

I love the leaves on the bush clematis.

I've dug out some of the lamium already this spring, to give to folks who have spots where they won't take over.

I like the fuzziness and color of lamb's ears, and am willing to keep them in check.

I am glad I kept my cages in place.  The peonies go from just poking out of the earth to big plants in a short amount of time.

The heucheras and pulmonarias are doing well, but I need to trim back some of the heucheras.

I like the contrasts of the different shapes of foliage here.

The wild ginger in the upper part of this photo will probably have to be moved because they are no longer receiving shade from the silver maple.

Some of the hellebores are not blooming, but the new foliage is looking good.  They are looking even better now that there has been some rain.

The lily of the valley plants have been here since my in-laws lived here.  I thin them from time to time to prevent them from taking over.

 I have been putting some of the plants back outside the last few days.  It may have gotten down to 32 last night, but rosemary can take that.  I'm pleased all but the one I didn't expect to make it did.

Well, we now have a second grandson, who was born yesterday.  The 3 year old and I "camped out" in the living room last night.  He asked grandpa for sleeping bags this time.  He also got out the inflatable mattresses for us.  It was fun.  He's napping on the chair and ottoman right now.


  1. Congrats Grandma!

    Love all your foliage photos. I have to quit looking at these kinds of post,s though. Every time I look I see something else I want. LOL Love the color on the Euphorbia and those quilted comfrey leaves are cool.

  2. Well, congrats on another grandchild!
    Your "camping" adventure sounds like fun, though I don't know how well MY back could handle sleeping bags and an air mattress!

  3. Woohoo, congratulations!

    I agree with Alison, your photos make me realize how much I wish I didn't live in a rental.

    I did plant the seeds you sent last weekend and have the teeniest, tiniest little bit of green poking up!

  4. Ooh, love that 'Bonfire' euphorbia! Thanks for joining in, Sue, even in the midst of a big family event. Congrats on the new grandson!

  5. Sue - I am so impressed with the variety of plants you have and their growth progress. I've always thought that IL and NB were in the same 'Cold Zone', but your plants are so much further! (So much to look forward to.)

  6. Congratulations on the new garndbaby! i wish i had a three year old to camp out with!

    You have some wonderful plants. thje euphorbia is amazing. I almost always look at foliage first. i am becoming a real heuchera fan!

  7. Sue, you garden is exploding with growth now!!! I love that purple-leaved you remember what the name of that one is?

  8. You certainly have a green thumb, Sue. Your plants are SO healthy!

  9. Hi Sue!

    I've just emailed a Jacquie Lawson ecard to you by way of congratulating you on the birth of your second precious grandson :)

    Just thought I'd better tell you, in case you think it's spam.



  10. It's exciting to see all your new blooms and the emerging foliage, but a new grandson is the most exciting of all--congratulations, Sue!

  11. foliage has an allure all its own sandy

  12. here's a blog I love

  13. Congrats on the grandbaby. I hope all is well for mom and baby. I love all the burgeoning foliage you've got going on in your garden.

  14. Congratulations on your happy news!

  15. Congrats on your new grandbaby! Hope big brother is enjoying his new sibling. :) Everything in your garden seems to be doing really well. I love watching things start to emerge and put out new growth too.

  16. I knew I forgot something--cage my wife's peony from her grandma's house. I swear, that thing grew two feet in one week. It probably did.

  17. Congratulations on your new grandson!

  18. Dużo tych kwiatów, a jak wszystkie zakwitną, to bedzie burza kolorów. Pozdrawiam

  19. Congratulations on the grandbaby. So happy for you. Love all the different kinds of foliage you have. In not time you'll have blooms everywhere.

  20. Good morning Sue. Hope you're having a good day so far. You asked about the squirrels and my pecan trees. Actually they do eat a lot but I have a lot too so I don't miss them. I actually have 8 pecan trees and the one over the new garden is the best producing one. I will have a time trying to keep them out of this garden. If I don't keep an eye out for shooters the buried pecans produce a plant and they can be so hard to pull out if they get to rooted. I would love to have a walnut tree. Too bad the squirrels eat most of them. Have a good one and enjoy that new grandbaby. Grands are so precious.


I welcome comments and questions from anyone, including those who do it anonymously. Some people find my posts by doing searches, and I like hearing from them. I guess spammers won't even read this message, but I will delete spam as soon as I see it.