Saturday, September 11, 2010


I didn't make it out much this week, but have some photos I think I exported and forgot to put in last week's post, so I exported them again to put for this week's Camera Critters, hosted by Misty Dawn.  The link is in my sidebar.

The first few are from 9/3.  Our son likes to look for snakes and other critters when he comes over.  Here, he had a skipper land on his leg.

Then, it crawled onto his hand.  I don't remember having a butterfly on my hand, other than one in the butterfly pavilion at the zoo.

The same day, he also had a daddy long legs to show his son.

I took this because usually, I just see one, and sometimes two doves watching over the street.  It was cool to see three.

These photos were taken last Saturday.  I wonder if these are the same moths that were on the sweet potato vines awhile back.  The one looked like it did not have much life left in it.

I spotted this silver spotted skipper on the verbena in the vegetable garden.

This is the same skipper.  I don't know if I've gotten one of these on both sides of the wings.  I never would have guessed this is a silver spotted skipper.

I think this is the same kind of moth as the ones that were together in last week's post on the agastache.

My husband, Larry, took this photo while taking pictures of our grandson and I picking tomatoes.

I made it out just as it was getting light this morning, and found some more critters around, some still asleep.

I can't remember if I've seen insects feed on lisianthus nectar, but I saw these taking shelter in the blooms.

This is another bloom with a different bee, or whatever it is.

I was also taking photos of the curb bed area, and took one of this butterfly milkweed.  It has more seed pods than I've seen on one before.  I also discovered something else.  Can you see it?

Here's a closer view.  I'm always tickled when I see caterpillars, especially monarchs.

I walked to my garden across the street to see if I could see any critters, and heard this squirrel scolding the dogs next door.  I talked to it to see if it would show its face.  It did, but didn't stick around long.

We're having cooler temperatures this week.  I'm not ready for fall, but I'm not making out to the garden as much as I'd like, anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter much.  Have a great weekend!

My prayers are with all those affected in any way by the events of 9 years ago, which means all of us.


  1. What wonderful variety of critters!
    I love that the skipper landed on your son. That is so cool.
    Cute squirrel shot!

    Carletta's Captures

  2. So many fine critters you share with us :)

  3. Someone's having a lot of fun outdoors with their camera! :-)

  4. It's nice to see that you still have loads of color in the gardens. The little critters must be thrilled, too. Love that pic of the Monarch caterpillar!

  5. Great photos Sue. Skippers always move too fast for me to catch them on camera.

  6. What great shots, all of them. Love the squirrel, bees and especially the skippers, fantastic photos.

  7. Sue, I hope you are not sick that you aren't going into the garden much lately. Glad you were able to find these great shots to share. My favorite is the monarch caterpillar. One day I hope to have them in my garden. Pam x

  8. Sue, did you see that you won the notebook giveaway? Want to send me an e-mail? Thanks!

  9. I thought that monarchs are fond of milkweed or balloon plant which is poisonous.
    Is that one - a milkweed?

  10. Lots of critters hanging out in your garden Sue. :) I was surprised to see how many seedpods my Butterfly Weed had this year too. Hope we both get lots of volunteers soon. :)

  11. cool critters! Your grandson must have a ball out there.

    It's totally skipper-mania in my garden right now too!

    I love that photo of the monarch on the milkweed. How perfect!

  12. I really cringe at the sight of monarch caterpillars. But I do love the butterflies!


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