Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May's Wildflower Wednesday

I haven't been posting as much as I used to, but I am determined to at least post for Gail's Wildflower Wednesdays once a month.  I remembered last week, but the day came up, and oops, I didn't have my post ready.  I went out this morning, and took some photos, and here I am while our now 11 month old granddaughter is napping.  I watch her 4 days a week, and am kept very busy with her.  She is a sweet thing, though, and I think she is going to be a gardener.  She loves being outside, looking at flowers and getting excited when she sees insects.

The stars of the show so far have been the amsonias.  I decided I was going to look up the flowers I am posting about in my books and provide information on them like Gail does, but for some reason, they were not in books.  I know they are not native to Nebraska, but they aren't in the North American field guide I have, either.  They are in the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower site, though.

This is Amsonia illustris, 3 to 6 feet, about 4 feet here, native to Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.   The site says the amsonias prefer part shade and moist conditions.  This one gets quite a bit of sun, and isn't always moist.  This spring, they have had lots of moisure, though, since we've broken a record for the most rain in May.  They are said to attract butterflies.  I'm not seeing as many butterflies as I was before all the rain, but I'm thinking there were some on the amsonia blooms. 

I wish the bloom time was longer.

I am pretty sure this one is tabernaemontana, but I could be wrong, because the Lady Bird Johnson site says it gets 1 to 3 feet.

I was thinking this one is also tabernaemontana.  I wish I had a better memory.  The false baptisa plants sure are doing well this season!  I have seen bumblebees on them.

These two plants have been growing next to each other for a number of years.

Amsonia hubrichtii is only native to Arkansas and Oklahoma.  They sure do well here, and look good in all seasons.

Leadplant has a good amount of native range, including Nebraska.  It is a slow grower, and sometimes needs protection from rabbits, but I'm so glad I stuck with it, and planted more once I figured out how much I like it.  It's another with blooms the pollinators are attracted to, and can be dried to make tea with.  This one is growing next to a day lily my mother-in-law planted when she was alive and lived here.  That's a penstemon in front of it.

Here's another hubrichtii growing in the front yard.  The yellow bloom is golden alexanders.

I managed to protect a clump of phlox pilosa, one Gail loves, from the rabbits.  This one may be a cultivar, though.  I planted some of each, and don't remember where each was planted. I sure am enjoying the golden alexanders!  They are a host plant for black swallowtails and are visited by native bees.  I have seen a few caterpillars on them in the past, and hope to this year as well.

When I hear reports of flooding and severe weather, I try to remember who I know from blogging who lives in those areas.  I hope all of you are OK and able to enjoy being in your gardens, or are able to make the repairs needed so you can.