I have been noticing some holes in my beds, partly due to the foliage of bulbs finally dying back. I made a list of where they were, and went to see if the annuals were on sale at one of the locally owned nurseries I like to go to. The 4 packs were buy one get one free, but the large individual pots aren't on sale yet. I got a few plants, then, I decided to stop at the hardware store near us on the way home. I picked out a shrub, the Magnus Coneflower in the first photo, and an individual annual. When I went in to pay, the woman said the plants had just gone from 50% to 75% off, so I went out and grabbed some more.
These are the plants from Finke's Garden Center. I usually don't ask for help, but had read that you can put vines on your butterfly shelter brush piles, so I asked her for ideas. I said I'd thought about transplanting some of my morning glories, but wasn't thrilled about having unwanted seedlings to pull out next year. We looked around, and she said she would just give me one of their morning glories, because they weren't going to last much longer in the greenhouse. I took one because it was a different color, and I liked it. (I put butterfly shelter in bold, with a link to where I said it was for butterflies, because a neighbor thought it was for snakes.)
Here is my haul from Westlake Hardware. My choice of the shrub, Chardonnay Pearls Deutzia, was influenced by seeing some deutzias blooming on people's blogs. I am excited for next spring to see the blooms.
Have you finished planting for the season? Kathy, from Cold Climate Gardening recently posted that she is finished planting annuals, and I hope to be finished with annuals and perennials tomorrow.