Sunday, May 31, 2009

Birds and Blooms from Today

Beyond the flower bed, in the street, I noticed another pigeon was with the one from yesterday.  I don't know what they were eating in the street, and I don't know where they live, or if I should be glad they are in my neighborhood.

I wonder if they are the same kind of pigeon, one male, the other female.

I heard this baby robin before seeing it.  It was quite loud today, and apparently can't fly yet.

I kept my distance as much as I could, but needed to get a little closer to take a picture of my foxglove.  Most of the time, the baby looked the other way, I think hoping if it couldn't see me, then I must not be able to see it.  It did briefly look me in the eye.

Back to the back!

Here are some blooms in the front flower bed.  These dianthus/sweet Williams are like a bouquet.  I am pleased they survived the winter.

The foxgloves bloomed last year, too.

Recently planted snap dragons:

Some delphiniums near a bell flower that is in full bloom:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Robin, Garter Snakes, and a Pigeon

I decided to post some pics from today, and put a link on Camera Critters.  If you click on the photos, they will enlarge.

I had my camera ready when I saw this robin at the bird bath.

It looked up at me as if to say it wanted fresh water.

It flew to a feeder a few feet from the bird bath, and I was pleased when I saw the squirrel that lives in our tree hanging out in the neighbor's yard behind where the bird landed.

And, as I'm snapping pics, the robin is saying, "I'm waiting for that water!"

I was already planning on posting for camera critters when I took the robin photos, because Larry and I had come upon a whole bunch of garter snakes in the bush hedge in front of the house.   Can you see this one peeking out?  It was on the west side of the bushes, but most of them went out on the east side.  (I don't think they all came out, though.)  Dang, I forgot to include the photo of the snake on the porch steps.

I think we scared them by our presence and talking.  I don't know how many stayed in the bushes, but at least 6 of them came out of the hedge, and we could hear rustling in there.

Most came out at the side, but this one was on top.

This photo shows that the snakes headed toward the flower bed, disappearing in the flowers. The water faucet is a couple feet from the corner of the house, and can be seen in the photo.  While I am not afraid, it's a weird feeling reaching into the area to turn the water on and off.  I've been tapping the bushes with a trowel to announce my presence.

Anyone who is afraid of snakes does not need to fear garter snakes.  We were pretty close to them, and none chose to be aggressive in any way toward us.  I just feel bad for staying there taking pictures, breaking up what may have been their mating.  That's what Larry thought they were doing.  I had trouble learning much about them, but found an Omaha World Herald article you can read about garter snakes being the gardener's friend.

Oh, and there is my shadow.  I tried to avoid that, but I needed to hurry, because the snakes were not stopping to pose.

These 2 came out together.

Later in the day, I was surprised to see what I am pretty sure is a pigeon, eating something in the street.  It saw me, but let me take a bunch of pictures of it.  I thought it had pretty colors.

I turned most of my compost this evening, looking to see if any snakes were there, like they have been in the past, but I didn't find any.  Our 30 year old son, who has loved reptiles since he was a child, was disappointed he missed seeing the snakes, and went around the places he usually looks for them, like the window wells and under rocks, but they were not to be seen this evening.  Maybe they were under the deck.

Oh, for the critter lovers, scroll down to see my latest Wordless Wednesday post, or click on the Wildlife in the Corner Garden link in the sidebar.

Click here to see a whole bunch more Camera Critters, or to see how to link up your post.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

SkyWatch Friday May 30, 2009

These lovely day photos were taken Thursday afternoon and early evening here, but somewhere in the world it was Friday, and that's why SkyWatch Friday starts on Thursday some places, like in the U.S. Check out their site to see more skies from all over the world, or to find out how to include your skies.

I was taking pics of flowers, and remembered I hadn't gotten my SWF post up yet, so I tried to get a little creative.  They aren't high quality, but I had fun.

The clematis I planted last year never got this tall, so I am pleased at its progress, and the sky was a lovely blue.

The next ones were taken from the back yard later, toward evening:

This clematis has been here a number of years, and has reached the top of the deck.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Home Veggie Garden Today

It was sprinkling after work, and a bit too wet to work in the garden, so I walked around and got my work shoes muddy taking pictures of the vegetable garden.   I think the rain has stopped, so maybe I can go out for a yard walk and do a little deadheading.

Here is the view from the street:

The entry to the garden is between the 2 lattice fences, next to the bed frame.  Some black-eyed Susans and lemon balm have become the volunteer greeters.  I had other flowers in the red tub, but somehow some mint got started, and I gave up pulling it out.  A wild, yellow blooming snapdragon is in the tub to the right of the entry, where I'm not letting it be invasive in the ground.  The area next to the bird bath has larkspur and 4 o' clocks coming up.  

A few years ago, Larry made the wooden structure and put sand in it, and maybe some oil or something, to clean garden tools in.  He told me you're supposed to use it each time you use your tool.  I don't use it that often, but it was nice of him to think of my tools.  

The area to the right of the entry has lettuces, spinach, bachelor buttons, etc.  The February planted area is in the upper area of the photo.

The next photo was taken turning to the left of the entrance, facing west.  I planted some green beans in the bare area a few days ago.

Still facing west, the north part of the garden:

The south half:

The last time I posted on the garden, I couldn't remember what I planted here in the northwest area, and it turned out to be romaine lettuce joining all the other lettuces, spinach, and kale in this area.

A larkspur is getting ready to bloom in the lettuce patch, and in the background are hollyhocks, garlic, sweet peas, a lily, rhubarb, and the compost area.

This sunflower is between the larkspur and garlic.  A rabbit has chewed the right leaf.

Turning around to the east, you can see my garden at Jeff's across the street.  

Since it's been in the 80s, (but the 60s today) the buttercrunch lettuce will probably not get much bigger.  I've been picking them this size, and it has been a treat.

These edible pod peas are growing on the fence, and will provide us with a few meals.

The peas on the fence, growing near...

Kohlrabi, which I've never grown before:


And beets:

and purslane, verbena, and a hollyhock:

Tonight's supper: